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Game Name : WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-11-29 21:50:12
Views : 54302

Locker Room Shop Unlockables
Unlockable Banners, Decorations, Furniture, Posters

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Banners: Bret HartUnlock by winning the Survivor Series Trophy.
Banners: CandiceUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Banners: D-XUnlock by winning the Vengeance Trophy.
Banners: Hulk HoganUnlock by winning the Wrestlemania Trophy.
Banners: LitaUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Banners: MelinaUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Banners: MickieUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Banners: Stone ColdUnlock by winning the Royal Rumble Trophy.
Banners: The RockUnlock by winning the Wrestlemania Trophy.
Banners: Torrie WilsonUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Banners: TrishUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Decorations: Candice Cut-OutUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy
Decorations: Diva ClockUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy
Decorations: Hogan TrashcanUnlock by winning the Wrestlemania Trophy.
Decorations: Mickie Cut-OutUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Decorations: Shane O'Mac JerseyUnlock by winning the Armageddon Trophy.
Decorations: Torrie Cut-OutUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Decorations: Trish Cut-OutUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Furniture: Chris Masters StatueUnlock by winning the Backlash Trophy
Furniture: Pink Furry CouchUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Furniture: Trucker Girl RugUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Bret HartUnlock by winning the Survivor Series Trophy.
Posters: Cactus JackUnlock by winning the SummerSlam Trophy.
Posters: Candice Poster 1Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Candice Poster 2Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: D-XUnlock by winning the Vengeance Trophy.
Posters: HulkManiaUnlock by winning the WrestlemaniaTrophy.
Posters: JillianUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Lita Poster 1Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Lita Poster 2Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: MankindUnlock by winning the SummerSlam Trophy.
Posters: MelinaUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Melina SplitsUnlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Mickie James Poster 1Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Mickie James Poster 2Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Stone Cold 1Unlock by winning the Royal Rumble Trophy.
Posters: Stone Cold 2Unlock by winning the Royal Rumble Trophy.
Posters: The RockUnlock by winning the WrestlemaniaTrophy.
Posters: Torrie Poster 1Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Torrie Poster 2Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Trish Poster 1Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.
Posters: Trish Poster 2Unlock by winning the No Mercy Trophy.

Season mode: More time
Use the following trick to get five to six months out of Season mode. Play on RAW as anybody except Viscera or Kurt Angle. You might be able to use a created superstar. On your first week, Jonathan Coachman tells you that if you win the next for matches, you will get a title shot. In the storyline, "Taking On The Show", join Big Show as an alliance in season and win your next four matches. Jonathan Coachman will ask you for a title shot. Answer "No". Thenwhen , four weeks away from Wrestlemania, you will be in the storyline, "Cleaning Up RAW".

Unlockable WWE Legends
Win the following trophies to make the legends buyable in the shop.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Bam Bam BigelowWin the Unforgiven Trophy
Bret HartWin the Survivor Series Trophy
Cactus JackWin the SummerSlam Trophy
Dude LoveWin the SummerSlam Trophy
Hulk HoganWin the WrestleMania Trophy
Jerry "the King" LawlerWin the No Way Out Trophy
MankindWin the SummerSlam Trophy
Mr. PerfectWin the Backlash Trophy
Shane McMahonWin the Armageddon Trophy
Stone Cold Steve AustinWin the the Royal Rumble Trophy
TazzWin the No Way Out Trophy
The Anvil Jim NeidhartWin the Survivor Series Trophy
The RockWin the WrestleMania Trophy

World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode
Win the Royal Rumble, defeat JBL at No Way Out, and defeat the Undertaker and Kane at WrestleMania to unlock the World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode.

Easy win
If the referee's rules are ring out count 10, Strong Irish Whip your opponent out of the ring. Then perform a strong grapple like a Choke Slam. Then Strong Irish Whip your opponent into the audience and perform another strong grapple. Get back in to the ring and let the count reach about 8 or 9. By the time your opponent gets back inside of the ring it will be a ring out and you will win.

Unlock Smoking Skull Championship
Unlock it by winning the Royal Rumble Trophy then buy it for $ 5.000 in the WWE Shop

Unlock Triple H Suit
Purchase in the WWE Shop for $ 4.000

Maxed out clone
Create your character then take them through Season mode until you have them at overall 99. Then select "Options" at the main menu. Choose "Copy A Wrestler", then select your superstar. Copy him or her as many times as desired. Then, go to the CAW screen and choose "Edit". Select one of your copied superstars and make them into another superstar.

Bar Brawl: Boogeyman appearance
When you Irish Whip your opponent to the TV monitors, perform a regular grapple. If your grapple is successful, a picture of a Diva will appear on every screen and distract your opponent. If the grapple is reversed, the Boogeyman will appear on every monitor, scaring you, and your opponent will perform a grapple on you.

Unlockable Championships in WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Backlash ArenaBeat Backlash Trophy in Season Mode
ECW One Night Stand II ArenaBeat the Money In The Bank Trophy
No Mercy ArenaBeat the No Mercy Trophy in Season Mode
Saturday Night Main Event ArenaBeat the Superstar Challenge Trophy
SummerSlam ArenaBeat the SummerSlam Trophy in Season Mode
Unforgiven ArenaBeat the Unforgiven Trophy in Season Mode
Vengeance ArenaBeat the Vengeance Trophy in Season Mode
WrestleMania 22 ArenaBeat the WrestleMania Trophy in Season Mode

Unlock Masked Kane Suit
Purchase in the WWE Shop for $ 4.000

Test challenge: Easy win
The Tester challenge is Mickie James defeating the Great Khali. You cannot leave the ring. The easiest way to win this match is to change their moves. Then, just do high flying moves and quick grapples to you. Get your finishing move and use them.

WWE Championship in Exhibition mode
To unlock the WWE Championship in Exhibition mode, you must have the title until after Unforgiven. If you are a SmackDown superstar and have the World Heavyweight Title, after WrestleMania or slightly after the Royal Rumble, Teddy Long will trade you to RAW. Your World Heavyweight Title will then change into the WWE Championship.

Unlock Divas Loading Screen
You will be able to purchase the Divas Loading Screens by Winning the No Mercy Trophy.

Unlock n.W.o. Championship
Unlock it by winning the SummerSlam Trophy then buy it for $ 3.500 in the WWE Shop.

The Hardcore Championship Belt
Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy

Unlockable Arenas
Below a list of hidden unlockable arenas:

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Backlash ArenaWin the Backlash Trophy in Season Mode
No Mercy ArenaWin the No Mercy Trophy in Season Mode
Saturday Night Main Event ArenaWin the Superstar Challenge Trophy
SummerSlam ArenaWin the SummerSlam Trophy in Season Mode
Unforgiven ArenaWin the Unforgiven Trophy in Season Mode
Vengeance ArenaWin the Vengeance Trophy in Season Mode
WrestleMania 22 ArenaWin the WrestleMania Trophy in Season Mode

Parking Lot Brawl: Finishers
Store a finisher then get another so it is flashing. Throw your opponent into the hearse and use your finisher. You will pull out the casket, and put your opponent inside, then put it back in the hearse. The hearse will drive out of the arena, giving you a win by K.O.

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